In this emotionally gripping road movie, documentary filmmaker Kaleo La Belle accompanies his childhood friends Marzuki and Sufjan Stevens on a journey back to their home state of Michigan, revisiting blighted landscapes, distant family members and old wounds that never really heal.

Director: Kaleo La Belle

Music by Sufjan Stevens, Roland Saum

Camera: Kaleo La Belle, Simon Weber

Editor: Margot Zanni

Production: La Belle Film GmbH / HSLU

52 minutes | © 2006 La Belle Film GmbH / HSLU

Release: This film is not in distribution and is not available for purchase


After a 30 year separation, father and son reconnect for a grueling 500-mile bike tour. In a confrontation of the past, these two men struggle to find a future. Can they see beyond their polar opposite views? BEYOND THIS PLACE is a complex and emotionally dense film about family, forgiveness, and the arduous task of moving forward. - Lynne Crocker

Production: DOCMINE and mixtvision

Co-Production: SF/SRG idee suisse

Director: Kaleo La Belle

Music: Sufjan Stevens and Ray Raposa

Editor: Tania Stöcklin

Producers: Patrick M. Mueller and Sebastian Zembol

95 minutes | © 2010 DOCMINE and mixtvision

Film Website:

Release: Dec. 9, 2010 - In Swiss cinemas and international film festivals / Updated festival list on Facebook
